One Life

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Mental Health Life Coach


Say Hi to Helen Duyvestyn of One Life - Mental Health & Wellbeing Coach in New Zealand

Why do we need mental health coaching?

Our minds can be very complex little things, can't they?! We are all so hard on ourselves while putting every single person above our own needs - until we realise we have lost our own identity in pursuit of making everyone else happy.

We eat when we can, our sleep suffers, we run ourselves into the ground taking on anything and everything people ask of us, and we end up exhausted and feeling like something is wrong with us? Somewhere we lost the ability to say "no".

Sound familiar? Yes, we hear you. I hear you!

How can we change?

How do we change this? We do something about it right? If we want to be happy, relaxed and living our best life - we need to learn how to understand ourselves better, our minds better.

We want to be the happiest and most balanced versions of ourselves. We are all about training our deficits and learning how to love ourselves. We know about physical health and exercise, we have our regular health checks covered - but what about the most important thing of them all? Our mental health!

After all "there is no health without mental health" right?!

If we can learn ways to strengthen our mind and how to understand our thoughts better, imagine what we could do?!

Helen brings a holistic approach to our mental health & well-being. She will bring to you a better understanding of what we can do for ourselves to help ourselves thrive - why wait to get started?!

A bit about Helen:

"After working as a nurse for over 19 years, 15 of those in mainstream acute psychiatry, I felt frustrated, disheartened and burnt-out with the current medical model in treating psychiatric illness - but no idea on how or what needed to be different. I took a complete break from nursing for a year and realised that my heart was in nursing and in psychiatry - but that I desperately wanted to do it with a different approach.

After some retraining and refocusing - I decided to redirect my energy to mental illness prevention and mental health promotion - in the true sense of the word - stopping people from falling off the cliff in the first place - rather than trying to fix people once they'd hit the bottom.

My passion is for treating the whole person - taking into account physical health, nutrition, lifestyle, relationships and the importance of the mind-body connection.

My belief is that to be truly well, the mind, body and spirit all need to be engaged. The days of conventional medicine (a pill for every ill) no longer works and is an outdated model of care.

My aim is to provide you - the individual - with knowledge, so you can feel empowered to take care and charge of your own mental and physical well-being - knowing when to stop, rest, move and when to ask for help. I want you to be your own healer, your own medicine woman! To be in tune and to understand when things are out of balance and what you can do about it.

I am passionate about helping people live their best life possible. And believe that every person deserves this and is able to create this for themselves.

I'm looking forward to working with you and supporting you to make this time a year of change for you!"

Helen's extensive list of qualifications and experience is below:

๐ŸŒธ Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health)

๐ŸŒธ Masters in Health Science

๐ŸŒธ Ongoing training with ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine)

๐ŸŒธ A member of AIMA (Australasian Integrative Medicine Association).

๐ŸŒธ New Zealand Life Coaching

๐ŸŒธGuest speak at Auckland University

Donโ€™t wait to work with Helen and see the positive impact she will have on your life or workplace.

Level up in all areas of life. We know it all starts with being open-minded, showing vulnerability and giving everything we have into building the best "us" yet.


At the end of the day we have "One Life" so let's make it "a life worth living"

Helen is available for speaking engagements for small or large groups, including your workplace.

(Thanks to SMASH FIT for this excellent piece of original copy!)

Helen Duyvestyn, Mental Health Nurse & Life Coach