We are all broken

I was talking to a friend recently. We were discussing where we both were in life. With my wonderful ‘depression’ snapping at my heels and the revolution of what seems like 100’s past wounds come to inflict my soul, he reflected how, two marriages down, he felt as if he was living life leaving a(n) (unintentional) trail of destruction behind him.

This reminded me of the saying;

“We are all a little broken”.

And that we are also doing the best that we can. And then the discussion of; would we do things any different? Can we do anything now that might change the outcome?

We are such unperfect beings. We make decisions, take chances, make choices. Some of which work out for the best. Some leave us wondering how on earth we got to where we got and scrambling to try and put things together again, to plaster the cracks, to put salve on the wounds.

We can think back and unpick some of the happenings. But would we do things different? If we did, and we weren’t where we are today, where would we be? And would we have missed the chance to learn something? Is this really what being human is all about?

I think my friend is a wonderful person. But I also think he has got some things wrong. He bolted when he should have stuck it out. He stuck it out when he should have bolted. He was afraid to communicate because it hurt, or it was too difficult.

I am sure we have all done similar things. We make our decisions and choices based on past events & experiences that have shaped who we are.

But you know what? At the end of the day, we are just doing the best we can. With our broken cracked selves. There is, after all, a crack in everything: That’s how the light gets in (Leonard Cohen)

I think sometimes we can have this feeling about the life we have ‘cooked up’. (Picture courtesy of Michael Leunig)


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