The three essential components for Good Mental Health

Getting back to basics for Mental Health

There is a lot of ‘noise’ around mental health and well-being. However, there are three components which I find myself coming back to again and again. We can get so stuck down the rabbit hole of looking for solutions to help to improve the way we feel outside of our self (massage, medication, supplements) - but we fail to actually attend to the very fundamental basics of, not only physical health, but mental health too.

What are the three basic components for optimal well-being?

If we don't have these three basics nailed, it's really challenging to make improvements in how we feel, build resilience and stabilise our mental state.

Essential Sleep and Rest

We need sleep, rest relaxation and downtime. This is important for recovery (both mind and body), it supports our immune system, it helps stabilise hormones such as grehlin and leptin involved in food satiety as well as cortisol and melatonin. It gives us space to ‘regroup’, refocus and renew ourselves mentally, allowing us to see things in a new light. It promotes creativity and solidifies learning - which can be especially important when figuring out ways to solve problems.

Diet and Nutrition

We need to have a good solid nutritious diet (and sometimes supplements too). Food has everything to do with mood - so pulling back on the alcohol, sweets, processed carbohydrates (and processed food in general) can have a huge impact on how we feel.

Movement for Mental Wellness

Movement/physical activity in whatever form it comes in - work, gardening, walking, gym, yoga, dancing, sex(!) - is associated with improved mental health, physical health and general overall well-being.

keep a balance

I like to think of these three essentials as a balanced pyramid. Next time you're feeling a little out of sorts, consider the three areas - and ask yourself: which one of these three is out of balance? Is there something that needs improving? Which one of these have you been ignoring or neglecting lately? And how can you improve this?

It’s important not to overlook the simple, yet essential things that support our mental health and well-being.

Helen is a registered nurse, specialising in mental health from a holistic perspective. She is passionate about supporting people to have optimal mental health and well-being.

Based in New Zealand, Helen is available for talks, education sessions and online assessments.

  • Get in touch with Helen here

  • Purchase the Mini Guide to Mental Well-being here

  • Do one of her online courses in Nutrition and Mental Health here


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