How to Recover from a break-up - a 40 Point Guide (+ free PDF download)

I’m not sure when I wrote this. I’m not sure it’s all my content - but I found this tucked away in an old notebook of mine. So I though I’d share it - just in case this might be handy to you right now.

In no particular order - here is my 40 point guide to recovering from a break-up.

  1. Call in your allies

  2. Give yourself time

  3. Grieve

  4. Exercise

  5. Plan something every day

  6. Focus on what is right in your life

  7. Get a new hobby

  8. Plan a trip

  9. Make new friends who don’t know your relationship history

  10. Reinvent yourself. Who do you want to be?

  11. Visualise yourself healed and completely over him/her, living a full life

  12. Draw yourself already healed

  13. Take him/her off your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter account.

  14. Make a pact with a friend not to stalk him/her - and have a planned reward.

  15. Cry. A lot. It’s OK.

  16. List all the rotten things about him/her.

  17. Surround yourself with good friends

  18. Learn a new skill

  19. Write a letter to them. Don’t send it. Burn it.

  20. Draw.

  21. Remember there is nothing wrong with you.

  22. Get therapy

  23. Create a new challenge (marathon, Iron Man, 25 push-ups, get published)

  24. Find someone that does want you

  25. Don’t drink

  26. Eat well.

  27. Nourish, nourish, nourish.

  28. See the bigger picture

  29. What would you do for or say to a friend? Do those things

  30. Give yourself a super power - eg Helen the healer, Chris the Crusader based on the strengths you want for yourself

  31. Avoid your kryptonite (ie things that make healing slow)

  32. Invent a distraction everytime you think of them (star jumps, a glass of water, sit-ups)

  33. Join a group

  34. Make an outrageous goal

  35. Dress up and get out

  36. Smile even though you don’t feel like it

  37. Allow 30 minutes under the bed covers during the day. Set an alarm

  38. Create something fun (throw a dress up party for your friends, put on a high tea)

  39. Make someone else happy

  40. Donate time / money to a good cause


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