Mental Health & Well-Being Courses

One Life online courses to support Mental Health

CHANGING LIVES - A mental Well-being online workshop

The first Changing Lives workshop was held in New Zealand in October 2022.

Since then, it has had two live in-person workshops and has been modified into an online course, accessible to anyone who wishes to participate.

Over 130 people have participated in the workshops - online or in person.

The workshop is approximately four hours long and focuses on building resilience and supporting mental well-being. It is a combination of life coaching with education on mental health and well-being from a holistic mindset.

The course is presented by a registered nurse and life coach who has a Master’s in Health Science - specialising in mental health.

The format is easy to follow - each week is released, an email is sent to remind you - and it can be done in your own time.

Topics covered include:

  1. How to approach your GP, what blood tests to ask for and what to look for in those blood test results to ensure optimum health and to rule out nutrient deficiencies that might be contributing to poor mental health.

  2. We briefly discuss some of the physical illnesses that may contribute to poor mental well-being, including thyroid issues.

  3. The impact of stress on your mental health and physical health - and how to buffer yourself on a day-to-day basis.

  4. The why behind mindfulness and visualisation; how to use this to support well-being

  5. The three essential pillars of mental health and well-being - what are they and why do they matter?

  6. Psychological tips, techniques and tools to help soothe your mind, rewire your thinking and stay on track.

  7. Planning and creating your best possible future. Research-based techniques to help you design and create a future to work towards and look forward to.

If you are interested in this workshop, would like to read through some reviews or would like more information please see: Changing Lives

NUTRITION FOR MENTAL HEALTH - A Course for MENTAL health professionals

NUTRITION AND MENTAL HEALTH is an online course on the subject of how nutrition can impact mental well-being.

Diet and nutrition are rarely discussed in the field of psychiatry - despite the potential to have a significant impact on mental well-being.

This course was designed for all health professionals - however has been found to be beneficial for teachers, managers in health care and individuals with a specific interest in nutrition and mental health.

It’s simply presented on the research showing the impact that nutrition, nutrients, supplementation, ‘junk food’ has on mental health. The information is both inspiring and thought-provoking. If you are a health professional - you have the ability to promote change and improve the health and well-being of the people you work with. This course will give you the tools of diet alongside traditional talk therapy and medication.

Areas covered include:

  • Why what we eat can directly affect our mental health and how changing our diet makes a difference.

  • What are the common nutrient deficiencies in the mentally ill? How might this be impacting short and long-term health & behaviour?

  • What foods should we be encouraging our patients with mental health difficulties to eat or avoid? And why?

  • What is the impact of a junk food diet on mental illness? Trans-fats? Sugar?

  • How do we as health professionals assess dietary intake?

  • Do supplements work - if so, which ones?

  • What can we tell from ordinary blood tests in regard to deficiencies?

  • What are we as health professionals able to recommend without stepping outside our boundaries?

The content of this online course can significantly change your approach to supporting a person with mental health issues. It is stimulating and motivating - and you will find your patients will also be intrigued and motivated once they understand the connection.

For more information - please see: The Nutrition and Mental Health Course

To come!

Your Coach Online was first completed in 2021. It is a six-week coaching online course for a small group of participants - but is also available online to do at your own pace. Registrations for 2023 will be opening up soon.

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Helen is a registered nurse, specialising in mental health from a holistic perspective. She is passionate about supporting people to have optimal mental health and well-being.

Based in New Zealand, Helen is available for speaking, education sessions and one on one appointments.

  • Get in touch with Helen here

  • Purchase the Mini Guide to Mental Well-being here

  • Do one of her online courses in Nutrition and Mental Health here


Mental Health in Menopause


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